Items of business-
The Rec Center will be closed starting on Aug 30th to Sept 6. They clean and remodel and they also switch up the aerobics schedule so make sure you pick up a schedule when they have them available.
Marti and I are putting together a huge Zumba Event along with our fellow instructors and it will be coming up in October. The date should be set by next week so I will let you know so you can mark your calendars because you will not want to miss out on this, I promise!
I have gotten word that Desert Palms will be doing another Loser Club that will maybe start in October. If any of you are interested then get your teams together because I will be taking on 2 teams this time. I am ready to get you in shape and push beyond your limits! I can have 6 per team and remember that you do not need to be a member of Desert Palms to be a part of the Loser Club. I had so much fun with my group last time and they all did amazing things so I am excited to take on another challenge!! More info soon!
Check our blog / / I updated the music finally, so those of you that listen to it at work you can shake at your desk with some of our new songs!
We have one black tank left and DVD's! Get them before they are gone because we don't reproduce the volume once we have sold out!
Our next highlight - Melesa Kohler
I fell in love with Zumba in Dallas years ago. Then in 2007 she moved to St. George and fell in love with Zumba all over again...when she started doing Zumba at Desert Palms with Kerry & Marti. She was certified last year and LOVES it. She teaches Zumba Kids and Zumba Mommie and Me and rotates in on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings at Desert Palms. She also teachers a "Grown-up" class =) on Mondays at the Rec center.
Melesa has been married for 17 years, has twin girls that are 8 and her caboose is a 4 yr old little girl. She is an ASL interpreter, Choir Director at Little Valley Elementary and loves serving in the church she is a part of. She loves tennis, swimming and riding her bike. But her true love and passion for exercise has come with Zumba. She loves baking and laundry! She is so thankful and happy to be part of the Zumba team at Desert Palms and Rec Center.
Melesa is great and all her kid Zumba goers love her!! Take your kids to her classes at Desert Palms or join her for hers on Monday mornings at the Rec Center!
Week #31 - Squats!!
Tight butts is every one's dream but we don't like to put in the time and honestly we don't like the hurt when we are done but you need to do it or after time our cute butts will start to sag, that is what we don't want!! So along with your push-ups which you should have increased on over the past week I want you to add in your squats or lunges. I want your butt to burn and so push yourself. If you are finished at 20 squats then go for 30! You need to feel the burn and I want you to feel it every day this week. Embrace the squat and love your butt!
Melesa is great and all her kid Zumba goers love her!! Take your kids to her classes at Desert Palms or join her for hers on Monday mornings at the Rec Center!
Week #31 - Squats!!
Tight butts is every one's dream but we don't like to put in the time and honestly we don't like the hurt when we are done but you need to do it or after time our cute butts will start to sag, that is what we don't want!! So along with your push-ups which you should have increased on over the past week I want you to add in your squats or lunges. I want your butt to burn and so push yourself. If you are finished at 20 squats then go for 30! You need to feel the burn and I want you to feel it every day this week. Embrace the squat and love your butt!