Friday, April 3, 2009

Jai Ho!

Ok Marti, the name of the song is not Chow Mein! Thanks again to Tricia Longmore we have a great new routine that we all love. I slaughtered it during the video take but you will still get all the moves you will need to learn the routine. Have fun learning it and we will see you next week!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1st

Well, it is the start of a new month and we have some new stuff to share with you so please come each Wednesday to learn new and exciting hip shaking moves. We are energized from our Zumba 2 workshop this last weekend and are excited to share it. We are getting closer to our one year mark, yea!! So this is your next challenge: I want you to find me our next song to choreograph to. It needs to be downloadable from itunes and it has to be a clean version. Please submit your songs by email or posting on the blog by April 15th, that's two weeks so start listening for the next new song. If I choose your song then you will be given a fabulous prize (it won't be what we give out each month) the night I teach it. It will be worth it, so get to work!! We will see you tonight at 8:15pm.